First of all, stucco is an ancient material, although the composition has changed somewhat over time. Portland cement is a major part of stucco after 1900, but earlier stucco did not use Portland cement.
Often, homeowners remove stucco to reveal brick or stone underneath, however this under-laying surface may not ever have been intended to be revealed.
Stucco in heritage homes may have suffered over time and need repair. It’s critical that this type of stucco be addressed by professionals as matching new stucco to old stucco is no easy feat. In addition, normally stucco is not troweled over lath, however, in certain circumstances, lath is required. Only a professional with years of experience in stucco application will know the difference.
Over time, stucco may change color, crack, flake off, or even disappear. Heritage-home stucco may have problems with water damage or mold or water drainage. Repairing the stucco on a heritage home requires addressing whatever problems the old stucco has, and probably adding more stucco to match the old or repainting the whole thing.
But colour is just one aspect. Texture is another one, and stucco from 100 years ago may have been applied with an altogether different texture than is commonly used today. Repairing the stucco on heritage buildings requires an assessment, a plan, and professionals to execute it.
If you are facing stucco repair on a heritage home or building on the Lower Mainland, call us today at (604) 614-7552, and let us help you repair your building, making sure that all the applicable rules regarding heritage buildings are being respected. This is our business and area of expertise.
Choice Stucco Ltd. provides quality stucco application and repair to residential, strata, and commercial properties throughout the greater-Vancouver area. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about stucco, please call us at (604) 614-7552.
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