
How the Insulating Properties of Stucco Can Save You Money on Energy Bills

May 20th, 2024 in Residential Stucco, Condo Stucco
How the Insulating Properties of Stucco Can Save You Money on Energy Bills

In order to understand how stucco’s insulative properties work, it is important to first review insulation, in general, and then look how stucco works. There is no doubt that better insulation will save you on your energy bills.


The way insulation works is to reduce the conduction and convection of heat. Heat moves from a warmer space to a cooler space. Cold does not move; it is just the heat that moves. Conduction is the movement of heat through materials, like hot coffee warming up your porcelain cup. Convection is the movement of heat through liquids and gases like the heat you feel given off by a candle through the air.

If you have a well-insulated building then in the winter when you warm your building (or house), the insulation keeps the warmth inside instead of leaking to the outside as much as possible based on the R-value of the insulation. The higher the R-value, the more insulative it is. R is a measure of resistance to heat flow. In the summer, if you are making your house or building cooler than outside, then the insulation keeps the heat from leaking into the building as much as possible.

Your cost of heating and cooling is directly influenced by how well your insulation works. If your insulation does not work well, then your furnace or air conditioning has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. When your insulation works well, then you do not need as much energy to maintain a given temperature.


One thin coat of stucco does not have extraordinary insulative value. However, today, we use not just a coat of stucco, but a stucco “system” which includes several layers of different materials including air space which results is a great R-value or R-13 to R-15 or greater. Stucco also has the added benefit of great sound insulative properties and much better protection against fire than most other siding choices. Stucco is a great solution for lots of good reasons. 

For questions regarding stucco or if you are considering a stucco exterior or need stucco repair, please contact us in the greater-Vancouver area, at (604) 614-7552, and we will be happy to help you.


Choice Stucco Ltd. provides quality stucco application and repair to residential, strata, and commercial properties throughout the greater-Vancouver area. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about stucco, please call us at (604) 614-7552.


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